Mini Miss Juneteenth Oregon – Ages 6 to 8 (noncompetitive)
Little Miss Juneteenth Oregon – Ages 9 to 12
Teen Miss Juneteenth Oregon – Ages 9 to 12
Miss Juneteenth Oregon – Ages 16 to 19
Contestants in the competitive age categories will be judged in 4 categories. The top 3 highest scores will make up the top 3 finalists (winner, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up). We will also be awarding the “Miss Clara Peoples Award” to the young woman that exemplifies the spirit of Mrs. Clara Peoples, the “Mother of Juneteenth” and the “Spirit of Juneteenth Award” to our top fundraiser.
All pageant participants must pay a $25 entry fee.
Participants in the year-round program will not have to pay an additional fee to participate in the pageant.
Absences must be communicated with the Program Director (Octavia Chambers) and/or Pageant Coach (Sharitha McKenzie) in advance.
Inappropriate behavior or failure to attend training sessions may result in immediate disqualification of a participant as deemed necessary by the pageant staff for the integrity of the program.
No refund of fees will be made in case of disqualification. Contestants may compete more than once if they have not previously won the title in their age category (i.e. Mini Miss, Little Miss Juneteenth, Miss Teen Juneteenth or Miss Juneteenth Oregon).
The winners of the Little, Teen and Miss pageant will receive a scholarship of $250-$1000 (dependent upon age category). All participants are invited to participate in the Juneteenth Festivities (including joining the parade) in June 2022.
Pageant winners are required to represent Juneteenth Oregon in the Juneteenth Oregon Parade in June 2022 Good in the Neighborhood parade in June 2022 and the National pageant.