The Story of Juneteenth Oregon & FAQ About Juneteenth

What is the significance of Juneteenth?

On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation effectively ending slavery on January 1, 1863, however, the Proclamation had little effect in the State of Texas until two and half years later. It was on June 19, 1865, that Union General Gordon Granger read General Orders No. 3 to the people of Galveston,

“The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaved are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor.” 

In 2021 Juneteenth was made a Federal Holiday. A bill was also signed in Oregon for Juneteenth to become a State Holiday the following year in 2022.

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Juneteenth Oregon is a local non-profit organization dedicated to connect and enrich communities to share the history of and legacy of Juneteenth.

Join Our Juneteenth Parade

Come alive with the community for the Clara Peoples Freedom Parade. Together, we'll march down Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd in celebration of Juneteenth.

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Get involved and join us to make a positive impact in our community, and forward the legacy of Juneteenth in Oregon.

Be Oregon’s Next Miss Juneteenth

Mr. / Miss Juneteenth Oregon provides education, tools, and resources to help youth build resilience, gain confidence and make positive life choices.

Miss Juneteenth Oregon Ambassador Program Details

Our Miss Juneteenth Oregon is an educational ambassador program designed to pour wisdom, leadership and self-empowerment into young girls in our community.

Miss Juneteenth Oregon Pageant Details

The winners of the Little, Teen and Miss pageant will receive a scholarship of $250-$1000, depending upon age category. Pageant winners are required to represent Juneteenth Oregon in the Juneteenth Oregon Parade and the National pageant.

Juneteenth Oregon Sponsors

Juneteenth OR is seeking sponsorship at all levels.Interested in sponsoring our event?

2024 Presented By

‘It’s about time:’ Hundreds celebrate Juneteenth parade, festival

By Catalina Gaitán | The Oregonian/ and Zaeem Shaikh | The Oregonian/OregonLive Sounds of bagpipes, revving three-wheelers, soul and funk music…

Clara Peoples brought Juneteenth to Oregon 50 years ago; now her family carries on the tradition

By Samantha Swindler | The Oregonian/OregonLive Four years ago, Jenelle Jack was looking for a sign. She was touring…

Juneteenth Oregon celebrates 50th year with festival in North Portland

PORTLAND, Ore. — Portlanders celebrated Juneteenth on Sunday at Albina Park in North Portland. Juneteenth commemorates the ending…

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Juneteenth Celebration Through the Years